How Educators and School Workers Can Deal With Stress

How New Teachers Can Manage Stress

Stress and burnout in the teaching profession are real, and new teachers are especially susceptible to feeling overwhelmed.


There are few professions more noble, or rewarding, than teaching. There are also few professions that are harder.

Mark Greenberg, a professor of human development and psychology at Pennsylvania State University and one of the nation’s leading researchers on teacher stress, says today’s educators feel pressured by many factors, including high-stakes testing and the fact students themselves are coming to school stressed, which negatively impacts their preparedness to learn.

Yet, while job-related stress for teachers is unavoidable, there are measures educators can take to combat stress and alleviate its symptoms.

That’s why we’ve compiled a wide range of advice from classroom veterans to help you manage, and navigate your way through, the storms the teaching profession might bring. 

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